Outsmart: Mastering
the new normal
Staying a step ahead in a changing global landscape requires flexibility, nimbleness, and keen market insight. PGIM’s specialised asset managers are dedicated to outsmarting the pack no matter how rapidly the global landscape shifts. Explore investment considerations for a post pandemic world, and learn where they are finding opportunities in growth equity, fixed income, real estate, and alternatives.
The pandemic caused a dramatic acceleration in long term secular trends, including shifts towards e-commerce, digital payments, and cloud services. Growth stocks started 2021 strong before wavering as investors rotated towards cyclicals as vaccines rolled out. As the year continues to unfold, viral variants and uneven economic recoveries around the world bring lingering uncertainty to the markets, along with opportunity. For a spotlight on emerging markets, watch Jennison Associates’ portfolio managers Sara Moreno and Albert Kwok sit down with Citywire’s Richard Lander to discuss the pandemic’s impact emerging markets, innovative technologies driving long-term EM returns, and how investors can best position themselves to benefit from these dynamic economies.
This instalment in a multimedia series by PGIM Investments and Citywire explores what growth investors can expect in the NEXT—or New EXceptional Technologies—economy, and why emerging markets are rapidly expanding epicentres of opportunity.
The emerging market growth story is rapidly evolving
Producing electric vehicles and driving tech innovation, emerging economies are on the rise. Portfolio managers Sara Moreno and Albert Kwok dive into what it takes to make the most of the opportunities they offer.
Compelling Growth Ahead
Global equity markets have been on a rollercoaster ride over the past few months. As the dust settles though, innovative growth companies bolstered by accelerating consumption trends should continue to deliver for investors. This article summarises the highlights of a Citywire panel discussion featuring Jennison Associates’ portfolio managers Sara Moreno and Thomas Davis.

The ‘Recovery Trade’: A Flash in the Pan or an Enduring Opportunity?

Driving the Next Big Growth Stories: Digitalisation & Online Consumption

Missing the Mark? A Closer Look at Today’s Indices
Find out more
Founded over five decades ago, Jennison Associates, PGIM’s fundamental growth equity manager, outsmarts through its performance-driven culture that demands intellectual rigor, values diversity of experience and perspective, and rewards collaboration and cross-pollination of ideas across teams. They specialise in finding innovative growth companies around the world and investing in them with conviction based on deep fundamental research.

Capitalise on Emerging Markets Dynamism
Benefit from the evolving opportunity set by identifying strong growers early.

Finding Long-term Growth, Avoiding Passing Trends
Why interest rates, market rotations, and inflation aren’t game changers but secular transformations are.

Secular Growth Trends Accelerate the NEXT Economy
How the pandemic has accelerated early stages of a paradigm shift in how companies enable growth.